Tiers and rates MP Bourgogne
The different tiers are possible alone or combined
Tier mini
Advice and answers
Advice and answers
You just need someone who can give you advice and answers to your questions during your search for a house?
Have you found a house on the internet at a real estate agency or notary, but you feel unable to call for more info in French?
Advice and answers package
Approximately 5 working hours per month
Tier 1
Personalized search
Personalized Search
Search work :
Creating your file after a survey and introductory meeting by telephone
Do the search for you through all possble channels; internet, brokers, private individuals and notaries
Approximately 10 working hours per month
There are several options in this:
Viewing without client present, with full report (photos, videos and report)
Viewing without client present, but present via image calling
Viewing with clients together for smooth communication with the estate agent
Excluding travel expenses (see chart)
The search formula can be booked per month and can be canceled at any time.
Tier 2
Purchase guidance
Purchase guidance
Making an offer to the selling party
All communication between the various parties (buyer, estate agent, notary, etc.)
Reviewing, explaining and translating technical inspections
Reviewing, explaining and translating the provisional deed of sale (if applicable, presence at the signing)
Help with insurance and other administrative tasks
Review, explanation and translation of the final deed of purchase
Presence of notary at final deed of sale
Approximately 40 working hours over a period of about 3 months
Excluding travel expences (see chart)
Tier 3
After the purchase
After the purchase
Utility connection
Telephone / internet connection
Approximately 5 to 10 working hours
Excluding travel expenses (see chart)
In addition to these four modules, there is also a possibility, depending on location and type of project, to be supported in requesting quotations from contractors, for example.

S = Living area between 0 and 100m2
M = Living area between 100 and 200m2
L = Living area between 200 and 300m2
XL = Living area more than 300m2
The rates below include 20% VAT